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2010-04-21 12:59:46 UTC
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The "JMeterAndAmazon" page has been changed by oberman.
New page:
= JMeter and Amazon =
== Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Issues ==
* The ELB is a name, not IP, and suffers from DNS caching. Make sure you use "-Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=0" when starting JMeter
* For a given ELB IP, there seems to be a static mapping of client IP <-> backend instance. This is a slightly complicated statement that assumes a some knowledge of how amazon in general, and ELBs in particular, work. If it's still up, this page [[http://www.shlomoswidler.com/2009/07/elastic-in-elastic-load-balancing-elb.html]] has pretty much everything you need to know. But the basic idea is that the ELB is supposed to balance the inbound traffic to the currently known & healthy backend instances (e.g. the boxes you actually control). At any given time, the ELB DNS name resolves to a pool of ELB IP addresses (which grows or shrinks based on load). The TTL on an ELB name (which is owned & controlled by amazon, e.g. loadbalancer123.amazon.com) is 60 seconds. And again, in practice I've found the load balancing to be per client/ELB IP, rather than per request.
*Specifically, the behavior I've seen in JMeter is:
*I start a test that generates a small amount of load forever
*I check backend instances, and all load in on one box
*On the JMeter box, I run "dig mydomain.com" and watch the TTL count down from 60 to 0
*If the ELB IP changes, all load moves to a different backend instance (and if the ELB IP stays the same, it stays in the same place
You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Jakarta-jmeter Wiki" for change notification.
The "JMeterAndAmazon" page has been changed by oberman.
New page:
= JMeter and Amazon =
== Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Issues ==
* The ELB is a name, not IP, and suffers from DNS caching. Make sure you use "-Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=0" when starting JMeter
* For a given ELB IP, there seems to be a static mapping of client IP <-> backend instance. This is a slightly complicated statement that assumes a some knowledge of how amazon in general, and ELBs in particular, work. If it's still up, this page [[http://www.shlomoswidler.com/2009/07/elastic-in-elastic-load-balancing-elb.html]] has pretty much everything you need to know. But the basic idea is that the ELB is supposed to balance the inbound traffic to the currently known & healthy backend instances (e.g. the boxes you actually control). At any given time, the ELB DNS name resolves to a pool of ELB IP addresses (which grows or shrinks based on load). The TTL on an ELB name (which is owned & controlled by amazon, e.g. loadbalancer123.amazon.com) is 60 seconds. And again, in practice I've found the load balancing to be per client/ELB IP, rather than per request.
*Specifically, the behavior I've seen in JMeter is:
*I start a test that generates a small amount of load forever
*I check backend instances, and all load in on one box
*On the JMeter box, I run "dig mydomain.com" and watch the TTL count down from 60 to 0
*If the ELB IP changes, all load moves to a different backend instance (and if the ELB IP stays the same, it stays in the same place